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Reach the Homeschool Community
As the homeschool community is booming in the upstate, so is the demand for local resources. Our purpose is to provide a space where the two can meet. Previous years we've had sold out at over a thousand attendees, and this year we have a bigger space than any year prior, and a prime early spring date.
In addition to your exhibitor location, this year we will have three additional ways to engage with homeschool families, and to show what you, or your organization does best (all are optional, and at no additional fee): Teach a homeschool related session, host a Discovery Station, or demonstrate through a performance or activity classes.
If you have a resource or service to offer homeschoolers, this is the place for you!
• Classes (art/music/foreign language/cooking/etc.)
• Co-ops
• Community Groups
• Clubs
• Educational Programming
• Field Trip Venues
• Curriculum
• Educational Supplies
• Sports
• Tutoring services
• Associations
• Homeschool Hybrids
• And more!
Exhibitor Space
$50 for registrations made before February 28. $10 additional for registrations made later.
Exhibitor space this year is first come, first serve. You can pick out your favorite spot when you arrive.
Tables are not included.
Performances, or Activity Classes
If you teach a class you'd like to give families the chance to experience through a scheduled demo at expo, or a performance, we have a space for that this year.
Exhibitor Only Break Area
Four hours to talk with homeschool families can be really helpful for your organization, but it can also require energy. An exhibitor only break area will be available again this year for your use.
Application to be a Exhibitor
Please note, all registrations have to go through an approval process. Though everyone may apply, we're looking to use our limited space for exhibitors specifically related to homeschooling & education. If there's extra space others may be considered.
Teach a Session
Connect with homeschooling families in a deeper way. Sessions must be on a homeschooling topic, but can be related to your organization.
Discovery Stations
Exhibitors who set up an educational activity for kids at their table location, will be highlighted as a "Discovery Station" on the expo guide - special places for families with kids to make sure to stop at. Please let us know what your station idea is in your application.
Sign-ups & Sales
You are allowed to do sign-ups for classes, & other programs, at your table, as well as sell items. You are welcome to distribute materials at your table.
additional thank you to
WorldWise Homeschool Travel
for preparing the Homeschool Community of the Upstate Disney Imagination Campus Trip
Any questions?